Male Orcs can marry female Dark Elves, female Bretons can marry female Redguards, male Imperials can marry male Argonians. You're free to marry anyone of any gender or race. Play List of Skyrim Marriage CandidatesLove is love in the land of Skyrim. Once the ceremony has taken place, you'll earn the Achievement/Trophy 'Married'. It's a good idea to stay at the Temple of Mara during that time to avoid accidentally leaving your betrothed at the altar. Return to Maramel at the Temple of Mara to book in a time for your wedding, which is approximately 24 in-game hours from when you first initiate the wedding preparations with your chosen mate. After you accept it, the NPC will urge you to set up the wedding ceremony immediately and you'll have a pretty unromantic story to tell your future children about how you proposed. If there is a relationship to foster, you'll get an additional dialogue option asking the person whether he or she is interested in you. Typically this interest is indicated by verbal cues such as, "It's a nice day when you're around." Many NPCs will require you to complete a specific quest before they will fall for you. With the Amulet of Mara equipped, simply speak to an NPC that has previously expressed some sort of interest in you. Congratulations, you're now ready to put a ring on it! Well, an amulet at least. Push the query further to receive the option to purchase the Amulet of Mara from him for 200 gold. ( Note: if he's not at the temple, Maramel can also sometimes be found at the local inn.) Once you meet Maramel, ask him to be enlightened about Mara, the Goddess of Love. The Amulet of Mara can be obtained randomly by searching the bodies of enemies you kill in the world, but if you don't want to leave it to chance you can also grab one from the priest Maramal at the Temple of Mara in Riften. For starters, letting other NPCs know that you're even on the market requires a special item called the Amulet of Mara. How to Get Married in SkyrimLuring a life partner in Skyrim takes a little bit of work. This guide will cover all the possible romance options in Skyrim, as well as how to marry them.